
HCD West Hartford Swing dance held at  West Hartford Town Hall in November 2017, with a free lesson given by a professional dance instructor and music provided by The Cartells.

HCD Quiet Corner Contra dance held at Patriots Park Lodge, Coventry, in December 2017, with caller Linda Leslie giving a free lesson prior to the dance. Live music for the dance was provided by the band Contra Scramble.

HCD 2nd-Saturday Contra dance held at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield, in November 2022, with caller Rich Sbardella. Live music for the dance was provided by the band French Toast.

HCD Mostly Waltz dance held at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield, in December 2022. Live music for the dance was provided by the trio of Larry Unger and Friends.

HCD Swing Jam held at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield, in September 2022, with DJ Prudence Sloane.

HCD Scandi dance in April 2023 at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield.

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