↑ HCD West Hartford Swing dance held at West Hartford Town Hall in November 2017, with a free lesson given by a professional dance instructor and music provided by The Cartells.
↑ HCD Quiet Corner Contra dance held at Patriots Park Lodge, Coventry, in December 2017, with caller Linda Leslie giving a free lesson prior to the dance. Live music for the dance was provided by the band Contra Scramble.
↑ HCD 2nd-Saturday Contra dance held at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield, in November 2022, with caller Rich Sbardella. Live music for the dance was provided by the band French Toast.
↑ HCD Mostly Waltz dance held at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield, in December 2022. Live music for the dance was provided by the trio of Larry Unger and Friends.
↑ HCD Swing Jam held at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield, in September 2022, with DJ Prudence Sloane.
↑ HCD Scandi dance in April 2023 at Temple Beth Torah, Wethersfield.