Friday, March7, we’ll be contra dancing to Kitch ‘n Sync (Britt Goodman, hammered dulcimer; Jane Prentice, fiddle; Jim Prentice, concertina and percussion; Robin Reid, guitar; and Alan Preliasco, bass). You won’t want to miss this great contra band we’ve had many times before. Read about them on Facebook here. The caller will be Don Veino.
♦ April 4: The Crossover Duo with caller Bill Fischer.
♦ May 2: The French Connection with caller Jen Jesenski.
♦ June 6: Wry Bred with caller Steve Holland.
Not enough contra dancing for you? Check out HCD’s other contra events, HCD 2nd-Saturday Contra dances, held in Wethersfield on the second Saturday of every month. More information here.
HCD Quiet Corner Contra dances are held on the first Friday of each month (except no dances in July and August) at the Patriots Park Lodge, Coventry, from 7:30–10:30 p.m., with a free workshop for beginners from 7:15–7:30. We have a live band at all our dances, and each dance is taught and prompted by a caller. Our dances are smoke-, alcohol-, and fragrance-free. See a video of one of our dances here. Find out more about contra dancing in general here, and read about our other monthly contra dance, the HCD 2nd-Saturday Contra dance here.
The regular adult admission for our monthly contra dances is $13 and $6 for students (with ID, please). Children 12 and under are admitted free. There is no additional charge for the home-made refreshments we provide, nor is there an extra fee for enjoying the awesome view of Coventry Lake. If our admission charges represent a hardship for you, please let us know. We are willing to work with you.
View a video of a typical HCD Quiet Corner Contra dance here.

The HCD Quiet Corner Contra Committee is made up of (l. to r.) Dennis, Joyce, and Ruth.
The HCD Quiet Corner Contra Committee will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Get in touch with them concerning HCD Quiet Corner Contra by completing the form below.